Joe Strouse
ASCAP member; Published by CQK Records and Music (www.cqkmusic.com) and Dogmanboy Music.
Former moderator for the Austin Songwriters Group's monthly critique session.
Heavily influenced by Sheila Davis, Pat Pattison, Mary Dawson, Jimmy Webb, Elvis Costello, and the Dansters.
Partial Discography
CDs: Cassettes:
Small Steps, 2001 Mid-Course Correction - Prima Facie Quartet, 1988
The Connecticut Lunch, 20th Anniversary Remix, 2004 Vendetta From Deep Space, 1987
It Is What It Is, 2006 Living On The Edge, 1984
Odd Ditties, 2009 The Connecticut Lunch, 1983
Ten Pieces of Light, 2013 Two Hearts, 1982
Mid-Course Correction - Prima Facie Quartet, 1988 Remix, 2014 It's Sunday, 1981
Loose Book Ends, 2023
To All Gates (with Bob Paskowitz), 2023
YouTube (Strousongs Youtube Channel)
Stage, Film, and Video - Partial Listing
The Tree Climber
From Morn 'til Midnight
Women's Storybook Project of Texas
ACS Educational Services
Music/CD/MP3 Purchase
...and a million other locations
Recording/Production - Partial Listing
CBI Makilah Choir
Dave Jellison
Eddie Macbeth
Johnny Mason
Polk Shelton
Robert Skiles
TBS Kol Hakavod Choir